The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Friday filed a chargesheet under provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) in the designated fast-track NIA court in Doda against eight top-ranking militant commanders of Lashkar-e-Toiba and Hizbul Mujahideen who are running terror modules from Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) to keep militancy alive in Doda district and other parts of Jammu province.
The chargesheet has been presented under Section 299 of CrPC which provides for the examination of witnesses in the absence of an accused if there is no immediate prospect of arresting him.
According to the police, these militants are Mohd Amin alias Khubaib of Kathwa, Mohd Hussain Khatib of Bhaderwah and Zakir Hussain of Bhalla, Abdul Hai alias Tahir Bilal of Sazan Doda, Irshad Ahmed Itoo of Dharnal Arnora, Atta Mohd alias Adil Mubashir of Tanta Gandoh, Mohd Shafi alias Nadeem of Trankal and Majid Hussain alias Abu Jihad of Manoie Gandoh.
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The cases were registered against them for running a terror module in Doda to keep militancy alive in the region at the behest of their Pakistan-based mentors.
According to the police, these terrorists made constant attempts to lure the local youths to join terror ranks. However, officers in the district made special efforts to tighten the noose against militant sympathisers, supporters and overground workers, besides other anti-social elements, to ensure the elimination of residual militancy in the district.
On Thursday, the state investigation agency said it arrested eight “absconding terrorists and their associates” who were allegedly involved in terror-related and disruptive activities in the hilly Doda district nearly three decades ago.
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